"Please accept this letter as one expressing my gratitude for your quick response...Both your rapid response to our needs and the superior quality of your equipment allowed my drivers to perform this MPI task, including 3-dimensional photography, in two days with no interruptions to the ship's operating schedule...Again, my deepest...
Tennessee Valley Authority, Browns Ferry
"This is to express my appreciation to you for your support...our original supplier for this equipment was contacted and quoted a 30-week leadtime...As you know, we placed the award with you on December 28 with a delivery requirement of December 29. I am happy to say the lights arrived onsite...
Eastport International
"The...products that BIRNS supplied to us performed flawlessly...What was more valuable to Eastport, however, was your critical contribution to our success...Here's how BIRNS helped: First, quick response. We needed parts in two weeks and took delivery on almost everything in just a week...Second, service. You met with us immediately and...
Westinghouse INEL, Idaho
"Please convey WINCO's appreciation to the BIRNS Co. employees who participated in the performance under [this] Purchase Order..."Ref: 209322
RS Technical Services
"I wanted to take the time to formally thank you and your crew for [your] effort...Being in manufacturing ourselves, we know about pulling rabbits out of hats for customers and we certainly appreciate it when a company does it for us... Please pass on to your staff our appreciation..."California
ARD Corporation
"I would like to thank you for your service over the past year, particularly Eric's next day response...This overnight service contributed to a successful operation at Maine Yankee Atomic Power Plant the following week."Maryland
Westinghouse INEL
"I am pleased to inform you that BIRNS, Inc's performance...has been rated "Excellent", in accordance with WINCO's Supplier Evaluation System."Idaho
Costain Petrocarbon
"Thanks again for the tremendous effort and help you gave to C.PET in solving our lighting problem. The turn around time of one week, from your initial site visit to delivery of fixture, was outstanding to say the least."England, UK
Ref : N00123-68-C-0925
"I would like to take this opportunity to commend you for the expeditious and professional manner in which [the] contract was completed...your "Can Do" method of operations in filling this requirement is indeed worthy of note...we look forward to that future time when we will again have the opportunity of...
Bechtel, Inc., Texas
"...would like to thank you for the cooperative attitude, time saving suggestions and outstanding effort exhibiting by you and your staff...Your success in meeting our difficult schedules is especially noteworthy considering much of your efforts were concentrated over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. We ask that you congratulate...