BIRNS Millennium 3P
The BIRNS Millennium 3P is a very popular larger-midsize connector, available with 13 to 83 contacts. The 3P is available in alternate materials Ni-Cu (K-Monel, class A) and Ti.
The 3P is available in coaxial formats (50Ω and 75Ω), with top quality polyethylene dielectrics and gold-plated Be-Cu sockets. BIRNS’ new coax contacts have a maximum insertion loss of 0.7 dB at signal frequencies to 3GHz, with an associated maximum SWR of 1.7:1 and withstand open face hydrostatic pressure to depths of 1433m. This new design provides incredible ease of assembly and connects directly to a standard MIL-STD-348 SMA connector. We are converting our lines of coax connectors to include these revolutionary new contacts, and currently offer them in the 3P-1C and 3P-2C6 configuration.

Part Number • Schematic • Contact/Ferrule Quantity-Size

Additional Product Information:
Click on the following document links to view or download:
- 3P-PIS-13 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-RIP-13 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-PIS-17 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-RIP-17 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-PIS-25 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-RIP-25 PIn Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-PIS-40 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-RIP-40 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-PIS-83 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
- 3P-RIP-83 Pin Configuration & Wiring Worksheet
Downloadable 3D Models
Click on the following document links to view or download: